Our mission for Give One Dollar a Day is to help ease the financial burden of children and families affected by illness, poverty or isolation.

We started Give One Dollar a Day after witnessing many families at the hospital suffer, not just the unbearable pain of watching their child endure serious illness, but also struggle with additional, everyday life stressors.

Give One Dollar a Day aims to fill critical needs of families and children that are otherwise overlooked by many of the current support systems. There are many large organizations doing incredible work (and we LOVE them), but few, that help with the struggles of daily living with efficiency. Rent, bills, food and transportation are essential, ongoing, and time sensitive areas of need for families in crisis, both in the hospital and in the greater community. 

By seeing these needs and supporting families in these areas, we are filling a gap in resources, as well as allowing families and children to feel that their struggle is witnessed and that people in the community care.

  • We know families who face eviction after both parents had to leave jobs to care for elderly grandparents, multiple siblings, and a medically complex child.

  • We know families who don’t have a car, can’t afford a taxi, and must take two buses to get their immune-compromised child to his/her chemotherapy appointment.  

  • We know families who who have to pay upwards of $20 a day to park at the hospital, sometimes for weeks to months at a time because of prolonged admissions. 

  • We know many parents that rely on seasonal work, or work in the service industry, and find themselves unable to pay the bills after taking a few days off to care for a sick child. 

  • We know of children who can’t visit their incarcerated mothers because their extended family members can’t afford gas. 

  • We know children in the foster care system who would benefit from almost any level of support. 

We started Give One Dollar a Day because situations like these, and many more, are far too common.

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With your donation…

…we can help hundreds of families by providing simple but critical needs.

Sometimes sick kids belong to families with a large safety net and support network. Sometimes sick kids belong to families who are already living in crisis and struggling to make ends meet. Sometimes sick kids belong to parents who speak a different language and don’t understand the western medical systems. No situation is less devastating or dire than the other. Every family with a sick kid needs help and support while they surmise the strength to endure the treatments, hospital stays, surgeries, medications, complications, and finally - the healing.
— Jess (Pediatric Social Worker)